Hello everyone, I apologize for being so lax in updates to the Tarot Inspired Life book site. I had planned to release a lot more free and usable content in 2019; however, life happened. Some good, some bad, a lot of new opportunities came up and I jumped onto them and a big lie change. Without going into too many details, our elder cat ended up getting cancer. Taking care of her has eaten a lot of time and energy which is why I haven’t posted too much.
This week marks the ONE YEAR old celebration of Tarot Inspired Life. I am so excited the book has helped many people grow, expand their creativity with the cards, and get out of many funks. To everyone who has messaged me, came up to me at conventions, and have purchased the book… I THANK YOU. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. This has been a dream come true and hopefully it’s just the beginning. Last November I started drafting the words for a new tarot book. So, once it’s complete I’ll be letting everyone know where it will land in the publication cycle.
Can you do me a favor? If you liked the book, please consider reviewing it on amazon.com or goodreads? It’s important for other readers to hear your thoughts on what I’ve written. Where did I hit the mark and where did I miss it. Reviews of all types help get me noticed and the book into audience hands. Thank you! If you haven’t purchased it yet, please consider supporting me by getting your copy or suggesting your library get a copy.
I plan on releasing, and expanding, the free information on this site, as well as spotlighting readers who took the information in the book and have run with it. I will do my best to release an update to the site once a month. The events page will also get updated in the next day or two with events I am going to be at through this spring.

I have one more big announcement for 2020! I’ve started a second podcast. A few years ago, I joined my friend Rose Red as a co-host on Tarot Visions podcast. On the show we interview people with tarot interests, or other relations to the cards. We continue to record shows twice a month (and the occasional 3rd show in months with a fifth Friday) and have branched into discussing our own pagan and magical practices. I’ve dicsocvered a few things from being on the show. I love to talk tarot, and it’s given me quite the skillset when it comes to setting up, processing, directing, and recording audio.

Last year my other good friends Melissa Cynova and Hilary Parry Haggerty decided to see what would happen when you stick microphones near our faces. Turns out, we have quite a lot to say as well; in addition to being silly and a little bit uncouth (spoiler warning, we cuss). So, we’re recording under the name Cardslingers Coast to Coast. This time, it’s just the three of us discussing cards and relevant topics of interest to readers of all types. Hilary lives in New York, while Melissa is in the Midwest. With me on the West coast, it makes a nice pairing to see what regional differences we have and what each of us are dealing with as we sling cards. We launched the first episode of “Foolin’ Around” yesterday. New Cardslinger episodes will be released monthly. However, it could change depending on our schedules.
If you enjoy podcasts, please give both shows a listen. You can find both shows in the Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Overcast, and Spotify directories. If you can’t find either show, let me know and I’ll see what I can do about getting it into your feeds.
Thanks for sticking around… I hope you enjoy the new perspectives.